What do Royal Ruse, Renegade River, Mr. Fine Threads, Great Road, Master Seville, Chosen Me, Bogey’s Image, Teddy Davies, Freddie Procter, Virginia Korrell, Elizabeth Scully, George Connolly, Tomgarrow (Ire), Withoutmoreado, Joe Davies, Leslie Young, Cami Kern, Carly Kern, Jaidyn Shore, James Wyatt all have in common?
All are in the #1 or #2 spot for season awards in the 2023 Maryland Governor’s Cup Series! And in some cases, a mere breath does separate the two. Click here to find out who is where in the standings. Questions, disputes, or protests must be submitted in writing to the Governor’s Cup Chief Steward by 5 p.m. Friday, May 26th. Contact information for the Chief Steward can be found in the Maryland Steeplechase Conditions.
Awards will be presented Thursday evening, June 15th; reservations are now being accepted online, please click here.
The 2023 Maryland Governor’s Cup Series is presented by Horizon Farm Credit, the Maryland Horse Breeders Association, Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred, the Maryland Million and Irish Thoroughbred Marketing.